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Cova del Montgó (Xàbia)
l: 16 cm; w: 14.5 cm; th: 0.7
c. 4000 BC
Piece of oxidised pottery from a medium or large sized container, decorated with red paint, probably ochre. The decoration consists of a series of horizontally aligned triangles alternating with zig zag lines.
The decoration is without a doubt the most important feature, as the motifs are widely found in contexts dating to the Middle and Late Neolithic in the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. However, the piece of pottery from Montgó has closer links to Eastern Andalucia and Murcia, where its closest parallels have been found in the cave site, la Cueva de los Tiestos de Jumilla (Murcia), and to which now can be added the finds from the site of Niuet, in Alqueria d’Asnar.
C.S. 1059
SALVA, A., 1966.
SOLER DÍAZ, J. A., 1997.