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THE EARLIEST EVIDENCE of human occupation in the Alicante province dates back to the Middle Palaeolithic period, around 10,000 years ago.
THE PREHISTORY GALLERY begins in this period and ends with the Orientalizing period (8th century BC) when the Iberian Culture was created through the development of relations between native groups and the Phoenicians.
The Prehistory Gallery covers a very long period of time, which is examined through the display of around a thousand objects organised into three main themes:
• Hunter-Gatherers
• Farmers
• The First Metalworkers
CONTESTANIA. The gallery begins by establishing the Iberian World in a chronological and geographical framework. The Contestanian region in particular is highlighted. According to ancient writers, this region extended across the lands which are now occupied by the modern day province of Alicante. An interactive display highlights the great richness of the archaeological sites in this region.
The central area of the gallery is dominated by the statue of the Dama de Cabezo Lucero and is dedicated to the most important aspects of the Iberian World. Above the statue is an audio-visual animated film which recreates decorative scenes from Iberian pottery to highlight the rich iconography and artistry of the pottery.
The gallery brings together various themes in topical sections:
• Settlement and Society; Economy and Crafts
• Religion and Funerary Spaces
• The Iberians and Rome
The gallery dedicated to the Romans in the Alicante province is divided into three main sections:
• Romanisation
• Roman Culture during the period of the Empire
• Christianity and Late Antiquity
In this gallery visitors can enjoy a synchronised audio-visual projection on two large 18 metre screens which recreates scenes of everyday life in the Roman town of Lucentum, which is today known as Tossal de Manises, Albufereta
The coexistence of various peoples, with different religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) and opposite socio-economic ways of life, mark the eight centuries of Alicante’s medieval past.
The gallery provides visitors with a more realistic vision of the Medieval Age, very different from the traditional and commonplace one of the “Dark Ages” which was dominated by ignorance and economic hardship.
On the contrary, the archaeological remains on display here are evidence that this region was very much at the forefront of the evolution of Medieval Europe
The Modern and Contemporary History Gallery covers a very long and complicated chronological period, from 1500 to 1931.
The gallery has been organised into two main sections. The first is subdivided into two periods which are displayed simultaneously: “The power of the crown” (1500-1808) and the “Constitutional Regime” (1808-1874). The second section, “From the Monarchy to the Republic”, begins with the Restoration of the Monarchy and ends with the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic. The exhibition ends with the inauguration of the Provincial Archaeology Museum of Alicante at its first home on the ground floor of the Provincial Government Palace.
More than 300 objects are on display in this gallery which illustrate the political, economic, social and cultural aspects and lives of the men and women who lived in Alicante at this time. This city, the forerunner of modern day Alicante, was very similar in nature to the city we know today.