In the picture they all appear with H.M. The Queen at the inauguration of the exhibitions "The beauty of the body in ancient Greece" and "Greek traces in Iberian Contestania".
Thanks to all those who have made this exhibition possible.
Manuel H. Olcina Domenech
Jorge A. Soler Díaz
Rosario Masanet Rameta
José Luis Menéndez
Juan A. López Padilla
Antonio Chumillas Sáez
Mª Ángeles Agulló Cano
Miguel Benito Iborra
Mª Olga Manresa Beviá
Julio J. Ramón Sánchez
Consuelo Roca de Togores
Mª del Carmen Ferrero Valls
Elena Santamarina AlbertoS
Silvia Roca Alberola
Ana García Barrachina
Enric Verdú Parra
Juan José Ramos
Remedios Gómez
Mª José Seva Rovira
Ignacio Hernández Torregrosa
Maria Briones Marín
Ana Rodriguez Izquierdo
Manuel Moragues Santacreu
Adela Sánchez Lardiés
Ximo Martorell Briz
Sonia Bayo Fuentes
Laura Acosta Pradillos
Celia Sancho Gómez
Sara Gosalbez Sarrió
Francisco Guillen Vilaplana
Gema Sala Pérez
José María Galán Boluda
Francisco Lloret Box
Carlos Pascual Clement
Rosa Reyes Gómez
Francisco Praes González
Gelen Brazal Vila
Florentino Lacal Hita
Francisco Martín Díaz
Rafael Moya Molina
Aurora Cerda Fuentes
Marisa Botella Montoya
Yasmina Campello Carrasco
Tomas Jiménez Pareja
Beatriz Abellán García
Mª José Varo García
Mª Carmen Martínez
Ana Gil Álvarez
Ignacio Andréu
Pilar López Iglesias
Manuel Molina Martínez
Miguel Ángel Aracil
Edu Pascual Frutos
José Alberto Cortes
Vanessa Alguacil
M. Teresa Ximénez De Embrun
Eva Mª Tendero Porras
Antonio Guilabert
Dori Martínez Carmona
Lorena Hernández
Encarnación Hernández
Anabel Cortés Estela
And thanks also to the cleaning and security staff; to the designers, creatives, musicians and technicians who have created the technological, interactive and audiovisual elements; and to the workers of all the companies that have participated in the adaptation of the rooms and the assembly of the exhibition.
To all of you, once again, THANK YOU.