GRAFFITI, spontaneous art in Alicante

The exhibition on graffiti in the province of Alicante includes a selection of motifs and panels which, due to their subject matter and content, bring us closer to the knowledge of a type of art unknown to a large part of the population.

The work carried out by a team of researchers to make this exhibition a reality has meant an effort of many years, during which numerous surveys have been carried out in farmhouses, castles, churches, convents, old prisons, etc., all over the province of Alicante, throughout the province of Alicante, locating hundreds of graffiti of very varied themes and executed with different techniques, mostly belonging to the fourteenth to nineteenth centuries, which, today, are properly catalogued, having been made direct tracings, extensive photographic reports, descriptions, plans of the buildings where they are, etc..

This meticulous task has resulted in one of the most numerous and interesting sets of graffiti in Spain. We can find them incised or drawn with charcoal or paint on the walls of the historical buildings of our province, presenting a great variety of themes: some are related to historical passages; others are allegories of a religious nature; there are boats, battles on foot and on horseback, birds, flowers, various objects, inscriptions of all kinds, even in Arabic, architectural motifs,... all of them forming a truly spectacular ensemble.

The technique, perspective and firm lines used in certain architectural themes suggest the hand of experts. Various writings show that their authors had a great deal of experience, professionalism and a high level of intellectual erudition. The details depicted on the ships show us that the people who painted them were knowledgeable in the arts of the sea, and the quality of certain motifs testifies to their authors' mastery of drawing.