specialisation courses

Archaeological and cultural interest metal objects
Study, conservation and restoration



In recent years there has been significant progress in the conservation and restoration of metal objects. In contrast to traditional criteria and procedures, a scientific and experimental perspective has been applied to the documentation and safeguarding of these objects.
The main objective of this course is to offer a panoramic view of matter and to provide a complete understanding of the different materials that make it up and the reasons for their physico-chemical reactions and alterations.
It will also provide an understanding of the most common problems faced by conservators and restorers of metal materials of cultural interest, as well as an insight into the usual techniques used in this activity from the perspective of an update on new approaches to metal restoration.

The duration of the course is 36 teaching hours.
The theoretical part will take place from 13 to 16 October 2009, and the practical part from 19 to 23 October, from 16h to 20h.

Archaeological Museum of Alciante. MARQ.
Plza. Dr. Gómez Ulla, s/n. Alicante.

The registration fee is 180 €, including course attendance, course material and certificate of attendance.
