The Fundación CV MARQ is carrying out, in collaboration with the Digital Workshop the project a museum for all ( TSI- 020512-2009-103).
One of MARQ's main objectives is to make the museum and its associated archaeological sites fully accessible to people at risk of social exclusion, either because they have a disability (physical, visual, hearing) or because they have special needs (children, the elderly).
The project "A MUSEUM FOR ALL" operates along these lines.
The museum has the experience of the Digital Workshop of the University of Alicante (TDUA), which specialises in new communication technologies and which, among other tasks, develops and maintains the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library. The Digital Workshop is also an expert in web accessibility and has a department - the Sign Area - dedicated to the development, research and dissemination of LSE (Spanish Sign Language).
The MARQ-Digital Workshop (TDUA) project is already underway and will culminate in 2011, and consists of different parts:
- Implementation of didactic and interactive signed guides in the MARQ, which will allow people with hearing disabilities to access the knowledge and knowledge that the museum holds. In Spain there are approximately one million people with hearing disabilities, 400,000 of whom use Spanish sign language as their natural language. In October 2007, the law (27/2007 of 23 October) was passed, which aims to recognise and regulate, among other means of communication, Spanish sign language. This law recognises Spanish sign language as an integral and active part of the linguistic and cultural heritage. It also stresses the importance of promoting its use in the sphere of Public Administrations.
- Implementation of visual and auditory guides, easy to use, to improve the quality of visits to the museum for the elderly, proposing routes appropriate to their physical or intellectual circumstances and offering information adapted to their needs.
to their own demands.
- Development of specific thematic guides for children visiting the museum in multimedia format. The aim is for the museum to be an enjoyable place for children that fascinates, teaches and awakens their curiosity. This will be done by selecting the contents that most arouse their curiosity and attention, in short, by offering them a pleasant and gratifying visit.
- Development of multimedia didactic guides for the archaeological parks of MARQ, El Tossal de Manises-Lucentum and L'Illeta dels Banyets.
- Development of a booking confirmation system for group visits to MARQ and its Archaeological Parks on the MARQ website.
The project develops the application on iPods, allowing visitors to receive the information on their own or on those that the museum will have at their disposal in the MARQ and its archaeological parks in order to personalise the contents according to their characteristics.
With the launch of these guides, MARQ aims to consolidate its position as a museum that is not only recognised for the quality of its collections, exhibitions and multimedia content, but also for its accessibility, thus making its cultural heritage available to all citizens.
This project is partially funded by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011 and the ERDF Regional Development Fund.