ACT OF HOMAGE TO Dr. Hermanfrid Schubart

On 27 October 2010 at 18:00 hours will take place in the MARQ, Archaeological Museum of Alicante, the act of homage to the figure of Dr. D. Hermanfrid Schubart, prestigious researcher of the prehistory and protohistory of the Iberian Peninsula and prominent member of the German Archaeological Institute of Madrid, of which he was director.

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Ehe MARQ has been carrying out a series of acts of recognition to all those who have played an important role in the history of research into Alicante's archaeological heritage. Dr. Hermanfrid Schubart's contributions to the archaeology of our lands include his excavations at Alt de Benimaquia and Pic de l'Aguila, (Denia)....

- Opening of the event at 18:00 h.
- Lecture by Dr. Lorenzo Abad; "Professor H. Schubart and Spanish archaeology".
- Lecture by Dr. Dirce Marzoli; "Professor H. Schubart and the role of his research for Spanish-German archaeological relations".
- Lecture by Dr. Michael Kunst; "The academic training of Professor H. Schubart and its reflection in the methodology applied to prehistory".
- 20 min. break
- Lecture by Professor Dr. Mauro Hernández Pérez; "Professor H. Schubart and Spanish prehistory".
- Speech by the honoured Dr. Hermanfrid Schubart; "The first steps of a German archaeologist in Iberia".