Presentation of the video "El Marq and its archaeological parks".


The President of Alicante Provincial Council, Joaquín Ripoll, and the Managing Director of MARQ, José Alberto Cortés, presented a new DVD on the Alicante museum and its archaeological parks, aimed at children, at the Costa Blanca Tourist Board stand at Fitur.

The report "The MARQ and its archaeological parks", which lasts approximately 45 minutes, offers a guided tour of the Alicante museum, as well as the archaeological parks of Tossal de Manises, Illeta dels Banyets, Torre de Almudaina and Pla de Petracos.

José Alberto Cortés pointed out that "the MARQ offers the possibility of getting closer to the history of Alicante through guided tours of the archaeological sites and parks it supports. Since Lucentum and the Illeta dels Banyets opened their doors in 2000 and 2004, respectively, each year both sites receive an increasing number of visitors who come to visit these parks located a few kilometres from the capital of the province and both are connected to the museum itself by the TRAM line".

This new DVD will be distributed free of charge to schools and educational establishments in the province. The aim of this initiative is to offer a quality tourism product aimed at a younger audience.
"The remains of the Iberian, Roman and Islamic cultures rest in Alicante, a tourist destination that allows visitors to enjoy a real archaeological tour that they will not forget in a long time," said Cortés.

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