The exhibition "ERMITAGE. Treasures of Russian archaeology at MARQ"The continued and fruitful relationship of cooperation that the MARQ maintains with the State Hermitage Museum, after a previous visit by Georgi Vilinbajov and Yuri Alexeev, Deputy Director and Chief Curator of the Archaeology Section of the Hermitage Museum, in the summer of 2009, was embodied in the subsequent Collaboration Agreement signed in St. Petersburg on December 8, 2010, by the Director/Manager of the MARQ Foundation, J.A. Cortés and the Director of the Russian Museum, M. Piotrovskiy, for a period of three years. Cortés and the Director of the Russian Museum, M. Piotrovskiy, for a period of three years, as well as the two agreements of the same date which made possible the exhibition in Alicante of 482 objects from the State Museum of Saint Petersburg, of which 309 belong to the Section of the Archaeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia, 65 to the Section of the History of Russian Culture, 54 to the Section of the Ancient World and the same number to the Section of the Orient. Among the exhibits on display are the Solokha tumulus comb, which will remain on display from 15 April 2011 until 24 July 2011, as required by the Russian government authorities, and the figure of the DEER FROM THE KOSTROMSKOY BURIAL MOUND. KUBAN, This piece will be on display from 22 July 2011 in the room dedicated to Figueras Pacheco at MARQ until 16 October 2011 (closing date of the exhibition). Only on 22, 23 and 24 July will we be able to see these two spectacular pieces together, icons of universal art and archaeology, made of gold 500 years before our era, in a historic event, as it is the first time that both will be exhibited together outside Russia. Inaugurated on 15 April, the exhibition "Hermitage. Treasures of Russian archaeology at the MARQ", has been visited by 42,340 people.

