New exhibition. Xixona: Clau del Regne

The Diputaciód'Alacant, through the MARQ, and the Xixona Town Council have organised this exhibition - sponsored entirely by the MARQ - in which around one hundred pieces from the archaeological excavations carried out in the 1940s by the Reverend Josep Belda in the castle of Xixona are on display. Ceramics, pottery, pottery, bone carvings, etc. are material evidence of the Islamic origin of the present-day Xixona, which, after being conquered by the Christians in 1258, was one of the fortified castles that fortified and controlled the most extreme border of the Kingdom of Aragon. Hence the title Xixona, La Clau del Regne.


Municipal Hall El Teatret, Xixona
Plaça del Convent, s/n

From Monday to Friday, from 17.30 to 20.30 h.
Saturday, from 7pm to 9pm
Diumenge tancat

Tancat per festa
8, 24, 25, 26 and 31 December 2011
1 i 6 de gener de 2012

Tel. 965 610 300

[email protected]