3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

One of MARQ's priority objectives is to promote the processes of normalisation and integration of people with disabilities. Continuing to work on accessibility programmes is a key element in ensuring that everyone, without distinction, can access the Archaeological Heritage of the Province of Alicante.

 On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, MARQ has programmed a series of activities that reinforce the museum's commitment to groups with disabilities.

To coincide with this commemoration, the MARQ opens on 2 December the temporary exhibition ".La Vila Joiosa. Archaeologyi Museu"The exhibition presents one of the largest and most important collections of objects of Egyptian origin in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as a Roman heritage of extraordinary value at regional and national level, including the Tower of San Josep and the sunken ship of Bou-Ferrer.

The exhibition will be open until 18 February 2012.


International Day of Persons with Disabilities Programme:

2 December

17:30 h.Visit to the APSA Association Group.

Visit to the Museum's permanent galleries. At the end of the visit, a didactic workshop will be held.     

Swiss Replica Watches

3 December

11:00 h: Visit ONCE Group

Guided tour of the temporary exhibition "La Vila Joiosa. Archaeology and Museum".

A practical workshop with reproductions of the most important pieces in the exhibition. 

17:30 h: Visit to APESOA Association

Guided tour of the temporary exhibition "La Vila Joiosa. Archaeology and Museum".


5 December

On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, MARQ will place a replica of the bronze hand found in 2005 in the forum of the Ibero-Roman city of Lucentum (La Albufereta, Alicante) in the museum's Roman culture room. With this initiative, the MARQ makes accessible to people with disabilities one of the most outstanding pieces of the museum known as "The staff and the sword", a sculptural fragment that corresponds to a left hand that holds the hilt of a sword whose pommel is formed by two eagle heads facing opposite directions.

This hand was part of a monumental bronze sculpture, approximately 2.20 m high, most probably representing an emperor of the 1st century AD.

The replica of the Roman hand will be exhibited with an explanatory Braille display. 

12:30 h: Presentation in the Roman Culture Hall of the MARQ of the replica of the bronze hand made by the sculptor Miguel Bañuls.

The event will be attended by Luisa Pastor Lillo, President of the Diputación de Alicante, Juan Bautista Roselló Tent, Deputy of Culture of the Diputación de Alicante, Salvador Galvañ Blasco, Director ONCE Alicante, José Alberto Cortés i Garrido, Manager MARQ and Manuel Olcina Domenech, Director MARQ.