The director general of Cultural Heritage highlights and recognises the work of the MARQ in the archaeological recovery of archaeological sites.
The Member of Parliament for CultureJuan Bautista Roselló and the Director General for Cultural Heritage Marta Alonso visited this morning the archaeological sites of the Tossal de Manises -Lucentum- and the Illeta dels Banyets in El Campello, whose recovery, enhancement and musealisation has been carried out by the Archaeological Museum of Alicante.
During the tour, Alonso, who has visited these sites for the first time, has been able to discovering the cultural and historical heritage of the provinceand to find out about the work being carried out by the Diputación de Alicante in both enclaves.
In this sense, Juan Bautista Roselló highlighted the important conservation work being carried out by the Marq at the two archaeological sites, recovering part of Alicante's most ancient history. "We were able to see the work that has been carried out in recent years, with the aim of making the findings available to visitors and preparing the areas to make them accessible to the public."said Roselló.
The Roman city of Tossal de Manises is considered as one of the most important one of the most important archaeological sites in the Region of Valencia, declared Historical and Artistic Monument in 1961.. Today, the entire urban area of the site - around 25,000 metressquares-The city is enclosed by a wall with a perimeter of approximately 600 metres.
For her part, Marta Alonso highlighted the importance of these archaeological parks, which are in addition to the other archaeological sites in the Valencian Community, and pointed out that "We must continue with the preservation, recovery and enhancement of our heritage. But we must also work to bring our cultural wealth closer to the general public, especially children, so that they can learn about its origins and the history of our past.".
Illeta dels Banyets is located on a small island, from which it gets its name, currently joined by a small spit of land to the coast of the municipality of El Campello. Considered a site of great importance due to its extensive cultural sequence.The site has been occupied in various chronological periods ranging from prehistoric times, in the 3rd millennium BC, to medieval times, in the 11th century AD.
During the visit to La Illeta dels Banyets, the deputy also announced that they had visited one of the enclaves where work will be carried out this summer to continue discovering the remains of the site.
The director general of Cultural Heritage also took part for the first time a few days ago in the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Fundación Comunitat Valenciana MARQ where they discussed, among other issues, the takeover of the new trusteesthe exhibition programme of the Alicante museum for the second half of the year of the year or the summer educational activities.