The II Jornadas de Arqueología y Patrimonio Alicantino will address the achievements and problems of archaeology in Alicante in the first decade of the 21st century. The meeting is conceived as a forum for reflection on the practice and future of archaeology based on the experience accumulated in the last decade, with the development of the so-called "management archaeology", without ignoring the current economic conditions.
They are structured in three blocks: 1. Archaeology. Institutions and management, where the archaeological discipline will be dealt with from the perspective of the Administration, the University, the Company, the Museum and the College of Graduates; 2. The advances in research, where the state of knowledge that Archaeology has contributed from Prehistory to the Modern Age will be presented; and 3. Archaeology in Alicante 2010-2011, where the results of the most recent interventions will be presented.
For the first two themes, presentations have been commissioned from different specialists, with the third being considered the ideal forum for archaeology professionals to present the results of the most recent excavations and surveys.
To consult the database of archaeological interventions click here.