This weekend, the MARQ offers a dramatised visit and another in sign language to promote the integration of deaf people.

The MARQ has organised various cultural activities for the hearing impaired for this weekend.

In this sense, our museum will offer tomorrow Saturday 6 April at 11:00 a.m. a dramatised visit in sign language to the temporary exhibition "Via Augusta.Master plan for the recovery of the Via Augusta in the Valencia Region".

To carry out this initiative the contents of the exhibition have been adapted to a theatrical script which will allow deaf people to learn about and enjoy culture in a pleasant and visual way.

On this occasion, the visit has been designed as a monologue in which the character Marco Balbo -originating from Gades (Cádiz)- will explain his journey to Rome along the Via Augusta. Throughout his adventure, the traveller will deal with such aspects as the importance of roadways for the Roman world or its elaborateconstruction system. Balbo will also refer to his clothing and explain the costumes the Romans wore on their travels.

On the other hand, our museum has programmed for the Sunday 7 April at 12.30 p.m. a tour given by hearing impaired guides to the exhibition "Santa Pola.Archaeology and Museum".

Through this activity, the MARQ aims to improving quality of life and promoting autonomy and integration of this group in the different social spheres, as well as offer deaf people the opportunity to participate as guides in the museum.

The MARQ Didactics Department has developed this innovative initiative in collaboration with l'Associació de Persones Sordes de L'Alacantí -APESOA-. People from this group who wish to take part in these events will be able to free proposals should confirm in advance your assistance by telephone 965.149.000 or by sending an e-mail to the address [email protected].