On Saturday, 20 April, as part of the campaign "guided tours by a deaf guide". there will be a guided tour of the temporary exhibition in LSE, "Art and death in Montgó. La Cova del Barranc del Migdia de Xàbia".
Through this initiative, members of the Associació de personas sordas de L'Alicantí (APESOA) are being trained by MARQ to conduct guided tours.
With this campaign we are making the museum more accessible to the hearing impaired and giving the opportunity to a deaf person to participate as a museum guide, as there are currently very few cases.
As a result of this pioneering campaign, the Museum, in collaboration with APESOA, has organised guided tours in sign language of all the temporary exhibitions on display in our galleries until 28 April, so that both the permanent content and the temporary exhibitions can be enjoyed by this group. With these actions we promote the dissemination of historical and artistic heritage.