Conference on Valencian Roman cities. Current historical-archaeological research.

Alicante 3 and 4 December 2013

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Alicante (3 and 4 December 2013)


This conference is awarded 2 free elective credits. by the University of Alicante (Code 20130363).




New requests will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis, depending on the number of people who leave.





Organised by: Diputación de Alicante - Archaeological Museum of Alicante. MARQ.

In collaboration with: University of Alicante

Headquarters: Assembly Hall of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante. MARQ.


Plaza Dr. Gómez Ulla s/n

03013 Alicante

Telephone: 965 149000 extension 7206

Direction-Coordination: Manuel Olcina Domenech 

Secretariat:Olga Manresa Beviá, [email protected]

MARQ website:




The Archaeological Museum of Alicante is organising a conference on "Valencian Roman cities. Actuality of the historical-archaeological investigation", with the aim of updating the investigations in the privileged Roman cities (municipalities and colonies) of the current territory of the Valencian Community.


  In recent years, the intense archaeological activity on these urban centres has provided a large amount of information that needs to be summarised in a synthetic way, addressing the novelties and new perspectives that are opening up for their knowledge, which is fundamental for understanding the historical development of the Roman world.


On the other hand, in the particular cases of each of the cities, actions aimed at a more open dissemination will be addressed, such as the museumisation of the sites or monuments, exhibitions, educational and recreational activities, citizen participation in these activities, etc.


In short, a forum for archaeologists and historians to debate on the present and future of specialised knowledge and its projection to society of Valencian Roman urban centres.


The conference is structured in 5 blocks:


1.- Block A.- Introduction and overview.

2.- Block B.- A view from the capitals: Tarraco and Carthago Nova.

3.- Block C.- Valencian Roman cities.

4.- Block D.- Visit to the deposits of Lucentum e Ilici.

5.- Block E.- Round table, question time and conclusions.




3rd December - FIRST DAY (MARQ-Alicante)


08:30- 09:00.- Collection of badges

09:00 -09:15.- Institutional opening ceremony


  • Introduction and overview.


09:15. Valencian Roman cities. Historical development and territorial framework. Lorenzo Abad Casal.



  • A look from the capitals (provincial and conventual) of the Roman cities of Valencia


10:30. Tarraco. Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo

11:25. Carthago Nova. José Miguel Noguera Celdrán.


  • Valencian Roman cities


12:20. Lessera.Ferran Arasa Gil.

13:15. Saguntum.Carmen Aranegui Gascó.

14:05. Pause

16:00. Edeta.Vicent Escrivà Torres.

16:55. Valentia. Albert Ribera Lacomba.

17:50. Saitabi. Angel Velasco Berzosa.

18:45 Dianium-Dénia - A town settled on a beach of sandy ends. Josep Gisbert Santonja and Maria Assumpció Sentí Ribes.

19:45. Question Time


4 December - SECOND DAY (MARQ-Alicante)


  • Visit to two Valencian Roman cities.


Buses will be available for the participants of the Conference to travel to Lucentum and Ilici with limited places. Reservations can be made on the opening day (day 3) at the time of collecting the credentials (8:30-9,00 h.). Students of the Master of Archaeology of the University of Alicante and those who have applied for the two free choice credits will have preference for the reservation of the bus places.

08:00. Travel to Lucentum:Musealisation and enhancement of the Lucentum site. Rafael Pérez Jiménez, Manuel Olcina Domenech.

11:15. Transfer to Ilici: Musealisation and enhancement of the Ilici site. Alejandro Ramos Molina, Mercedes Tendero Porras.

14:00. Break


  • The Valencian Roman cities (continued)


16:00. Allon. Antonio Espinosa Ruíz.

16:55. Lucentum. Manuel Olcina Domenech, Antonio Guilabert Mas, Eva Tendero Porras.

17:50. Ilici. Alcudia Team: Lorenzo Abad Casal, Rafael Ramos Fernández, Feliciana Sala Sellés, Alejandro Ramos Molina, Ana Ronda Femenía, Mercedes Tendero Porras, Diego Peña Domínguez:


  • Round table, question and answer session and conclusions.


18:45. Moderator of the round table and Conclusions. Manuel Bendala Galán.


This conference is part of the scientific activities carried out by the Provincial Council of Alicante, through the Archaeological Museum, linked to the research project "Rome, the provincial capitals and the capitals of Hispania: diffusion of models in architecture and urban planning. Paradigms of the conventus Carthaginiensis" (ref. no. HAR2012-37405-C04-02), funded by the Secretary of State for Research (Directorate General for Research and Management of the National R&D&I Plan) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.