MARQ celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with activities for this collective


The Archaeological Museum of Alicante commemorates the "International Day of Persons with Disabilities"The MARQ will offer a full programme of fun and educational activities aimed at this group of people. With this initiative, the MARQ aims to disseminate and facilitate the access to cultural heritage for people with functional diversity that the province treasures.

         The centre has programmed for today, Tuesday at 4.30 p.m. a visit in sign language given by hearing impaired guides to the exhibition "The salt kingdom. 7000 years of Hallstatt history". Through this activity, the MARQ seeks to improve the quality of life and promote the autonomy and integration of this group in different social spheres, as well as offering deaf people the opportunity to participate as museum guides.

         In addition, the centre will host the Thursday 5 December at 6 p.m. on "MARQ-APESOA Meeting", a day in which attendees will be informed of the activities for deaf people that have been carried out during 2013, as well as the new projects for 2014.

The Wednesday 11 December at 12.30 p.m. will take place a GUIDED PASS to the international exhibition "The Kingdom of Salt in which the following will participate ONCE members Alicante. Also planned for this exhibition is the Saturday 21 at 11:00 a.m. a dramatised visit in sign language.

Finally, the Friday 13 December at 12:00 noon the museum will offer a guided tour of its permanent collection which will be given by the project participants "MARQ guides for a day", developed in collaboration with ASPALI, the Asperger's Association of Alicante.

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has been collaborating for years with various associations and organisations in the province in the implementation of initiatives aimed at the disabled public, and is currently working on the following projects in full adapted so that this group can enjoy its contents. In this sense, last November the centre's accessibility project received one of the most important awards of the Solidarity Prizes awarded annually by the Fundación ONCE Comunidad Valenciana and which recognise the work of those people, institutions or companies that develop programmes related to the integration of people with disabilities and the removal of physical barriers.