The exhibition"Deltebre I. A shipwreck story" which will arrive at MARQ in the summer, exhibits the remains of a British military transport ship coming from Alicante and sunk in the gorge of the Ebro in 1813. This vessel held in its interior a bottle of Fondillón wine, specific to the provinceThis wine, which remains intact and sealed, will be one of the highlights of this exhibition. This wine was present on the tables of kings, princes and cardinals until its disappearance a century ago production is now recovering.
Nearby a hundred original objects rescued from the bottom of the sea This touring exhibition, which opened on 14 March at the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia-GironaIt will remain there until it is transferred to the museum in Alicante. Through an interesting tour, the visitor will be able to learn about the history of Alicante wineThe exhibition also includes the siege that Tarragona suffered by sea during the 'French War', the type of cargo on a military transport ship and what life was like on board, among other aspects.
The exhibition also includes various weapons that were used in that conflict -pumps,grenades, belts,powder blocks or ammunition of different calibres- and objects of navigation found in the officers' quarters, such as sextant filters or compasses.
The Deltebre I is one of the few ships found Until now in Catalonia that has not suffered any plunder. This vessel was part of the convoy military officer who acted in the siege of Tarragona with the intention of preventing French supplies and dividing the peninsula in two. However, this attack proved to be a failure and during the retreat of the ships, five of them ran aground in the gorges of the Ebro. The remains were found by a local fisherman two hundred years laterin 2008.
The exhibition, which is complemented by the edition of a book about the shipwreck, is the result of joint work between the MARQ, the Museu d'Arqueologia -Centre d'Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya i Girona- and the Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Vinos Alicante.