Alicante's cultural centres join forces once again this year to commemorate the


For the second consecutive year, the cultural centres of the city of Alicante have joined together to commemorate the"International Museum Day" which will take place next Sunday 18 May. The MARQthe MUBAGthe Volvo Ocean Race Museumthe MACAthe MUAthe MUSA and The Cigarreras have programmed a full calendar of activities that includes among its proposals workshops,competitions, games, guided tours or open days with free admission.

        The Member of Parliament for Culture Juan Bautista Roselló has presented this morning, together with the Councillor for Culture of the Alicante City Council Miguel Valorthe director of the Cultural Service of the UA Faust Ripoll and the director of the Volvo Museum Laura UrrutiaThe proposals programmed for this celebration, which will take place during the weekend of 17 and 18 May and whose motto is "Museums: Collections create connections".

        All these initiatives can be consulted via the website www.museosdealicante.coma web portal that offers users information on news and activities to be developed by each of the associated museums. Roselló pointed out that we have renewed the website, a dynamic and lively project that uses new technologies to showcase and bring to the public, in an easy and simple way, the wealth of heritage and art treasured by the cultural centres of the city of Alicante..

        In addition, as was the case last year, a visitor's card which will be stamped in each of the complexes to which he/she goes and which will allow the citizen to obtain a mug as a gift when it has visited five of the seven centres that are part of this initiative.

         Miguel Valor stressed the importance of this initiative, which last year was very well received, and said that the joint celebration of 'International Museum Day' allows us to bring art and culture closer to citizens in an attractive and different way..

        The event was also attended by the managing director of MARQ Francisco Sirventthe technical director of the MUBAG Joserre Pérezgilthe curator of the MACA Rosa Maria Castells and the coordinator of Las Cigarreras Catalina Rodríguez.

Archaeological Museum of Alicante

         The MARQ will commemorate the "International Museum Day celebrating open days with free admission on saturday 17th -which will extend its opening hours and will be open to visitors. from 10:00 to 24:00 hours- and the Sunday 18 May -on time from 10:00 to 14:00 hours-.

        The centre has also organised various educational workshops for children from 4 to 12 years old where they can learn about the history of their ancestors while playing with pottery, clay or adobe. In addition, a series of guided tours of the permanent collection The museum's exhibitions will take place on Saturday -11:30, 13:00, 17:30, 18:30 and 19:30 hours- and on Sunday -11:30 and 13:00 hours-.

        The sites of the Illeta dels Banyets and the Tossal de Manises will also participate in this initiative opening its doors free of charge -and offering guided tours to its facilities, both on Saturday and Sunday at 12:00 noon. Those wishing to attend any of these activities must register at the ticket offices of the archaeological parks.

Gravina Fine Arts Museum

         For its part, the MUBAG will hold open days on Saturday 17 -from 10:00 to 24:00 hours- and the Sunday 18 May -from 10:00 to 14:00 hours-. In addition, on Saturday at 12:00 the centre will open the new dramatised visits to the exhibition "The 19th century at the MUBAG.From the formation to the fullness of an artist".

        In the afternoon, the museum will be hosting a gimkhana, where participants will have to search for clues in the paintings that make up the MUBAG's permanent collection in order to decipher a message, two guided tours to the exhibition "The Lamberts, European scholars in Marina Alta" and a Jazz concert by the musical group Lolo García Quartet.

        The Sunday will take place on "IV Day of free interpretative painting for adults", where participants will be able to analyse how museums have influenced people's education and knowledge, their relationships and the way they perceive the past that unites them.  

         In addition, there will be workshops for children and others two guided tours to the Lamberts' exhibition. The persons wishing to register or receive further information about these proposals may do so by calling 965 146 780.

Other museums

         The rest of the city's cultural centres will also be hosting various activities over the weekend, such as a guided tour of the exhibition "Between heaven and earth" at the MUA combined with a family workshop of landscape design based on natural elements, a Design Market at Las Cigarreras or the projection of the film 'Before dark' and the contemporary flamenco performance by the bailaora (flamenco dancer) Pilar Andujar at the MACA.