Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Valencia Josep Torró and the director of the Department of Architecture of the Diputación of Alicante Rafael Pérez will be held tomorrow Tuesday 3 June at 19:00 hours at MARQ a conference on The Maçanes TowerThe fortress is a unique medieval fortress built at the end of the Muslim period (12th-13th century).
During the talk, the two speakers will discuss the historical context of the buildingThe Andalusian farmstead of Iri, which was renamed at the time of the conquest, as well as its chronology and structure. In addition, they will address the hypothesis of its original configuration derived from the analysis of the architecture of the enclave, its construction systems and elements, to conclude with the exposition of the research and museography that the provincial institution has carried out in this fortress.
The archaeological excavation of some sectors which provided data of interest for the knowledge of the original construction, the development of the plot or themuseumisation of the property are some of the actions that the Diputación de Alicante has carried out in the area.
This initiative is part of the complementary activities of the exhibition "The Maçanes Tower. An Islamic fortress" which has been on display at the MARQ Library since last April. The exhibition is made up of a series of information boards which reproduce a prismatic object with the proportions of the fortification and which explain to the visitor the origin, history and architecture of this building which gave its name to the municipality of La Torre de les Maçanes. The exhibition also includes a video with complementary information.