MARQ publishes a book on the El Tresor de Sant Joan d'Alacant coin collection


Professor of the University of Valencia Pere Pau Ripollès presents at 19:00 hours in the MARQ the book "The treasure of Sant Joan d'Alacant" from Julio J. Ramón SánchezThe publication is published by the museum. The publication offers an overview of the history of this important numismatic collection made up of 501 gold and silver coins from the contemporary period and found by chance by Vicente Ferrer Escrivá in April 1963 during a renovation of his house.

        This volume is part of the complementary activities of the exhibition "The treasure of Sant Joan d'Alacant" which has been on display in the MARQ hall since last February.

          The circumstances of the findingthe tour which it followed until it reached its current location in the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, or the procedures The monograph also examines in depth the work carried out by the different administrations involved, as well as the composition of this bootits prospective owner,Antonio Quereda ChápuliThe social context and economic or the reasons why it was hidden.

          Thus, the book concludes that their concealment must have been linked to the uncertainty produced in the L'Alacantí area between July and November 1823 because of the intervention of the french armywho entered Spain to reinstate Ferdinand VII as absolute monarch and brought about the end of the liberal triennium. In this climate, it is thought that many local people decided to put their savings in a safe place until the danger had passed. In the case of Antonio Quereda Chápuli, an unexpected death and the fact that he did not inform anyone of the existence of the money meant that these coins became an important source of income. treasure that remained hidden for 140 years.

Pere Pau Ripollès

Pere Pau Ripollès is considered to be one of the leading international authorities in the field of numismatics Although he has mainly focused his research on ancient issues, he has also carried out studies on coin sets of different chronology. Throughout his career, Ripollès hashas researched the numismatic holdings of Spanish museums and cabinets. and European and has published works as "The Monetary Circulation in the Mediterranean Tarraconensis", "Roman Provincial Coinage" or "Roman Provincial Coinage in Hispania".