MARQ brings the travelling exhibition on the history and evolution of salt in the province to Santa Pola

The Salt Museum of the Natural Park of the Santa Pola Salt Flats hosts since yesterday and until 31 August next the exhibition "Alicante. Land and Sea of Salt" organised by the MARQ. The deputy for Culture, Juan Bautista Rosellóand the local mayor Miguel Zaragoza, inaugurated this exhibition, which offers an interesting a journey through the history and evolution of saltThe event was attended by the technical director of the MARQ, the technical director of the MARQ, the technical director of the MARQ, the technical director of the MARQ, the technical director of the MARQ, and the technical director of the MARQ. The event was attended by the technical director of MARQ, Manuel Olcinathe director of the Salt Museum, Concepción Torresas well as several councillors from the municipality, such as the head of Culture, Feli Dancerand the curator of the exhibition José Luis Menéndez.

        After passing through the MARQ and the town of Torrevieja, the exhibition now arrives in Santa Pola. The exhibition includes various information boards which explain to the visitor the importance of this indispensable element for human survival within the framework of an exhibition space that has salt as its raison d'être.

In this sense, Roselló highlighted the suitability of the place chosen to present this exhibition; the Salt Museum of Santa Pola, ".a city that from prehistoric times to the present day has traditionally been linked to salt extraction and has played a very important role in this field."and remarked that "this element has been a fundamental part of our economy, our society and our customs, being used by our ancestors for multiple uses and even as a means of obtaining wealth through its distribution and trade..

        The Mayor of Santa Pola also stressed, the economic, traditional, cultural and social importance of salt. "The salt in the province of Alicante has special characteristics and represents an opportunity that we must use to continue generating employment."indicated Zaragoza, who added that ".it is important that we pay this kind of tribute to the people, to the villages, to culture, to history and to this seafaring tradition and therefore necessary salt, which continues to be the most natural and effective preservative that exists".