The MARQ presents an exclusive card to enjoy multiple advantages and cultural activities


After twelve years of existence and more than 2 million visitors, the MARQ is launching a project to enhance the value of archaeological heritage and activities.Friends of MARQ is the name under which the Foundation wishes to join other similar initiatives by major international museums. The relationship of the visitors with the Archaeological Museum of Alicante and its wide range of activities will now be structured around a programme based on patronage.

        The President of the Alicante Provincial Council Luisa Pastor presented yesterday evening This new initiative, which also seeks the involvement of civil society, will showcase the numerous actions and the value for the province of having a Foundation that is a cultural reference point, as well as a basis for the archaeological conservation of one of the richest areas in the country in terms of archaeological sites.

         Since it was declared Best Museum in Europe in 2004the MARQ has maintained a high level of exposure and has been expanding both its local exhibition network and the museumisation of local sites.. Particularly relevant is the collection of catalogues and research books. On the other hand, the Didactics Workshop has been growing with activities throughout the year.

        The structure created in Friends of MARQ reserves a compensation package depending on the link with the foundation and rewards and appreciates support at all levels. 20 per yearoffers free entry to the sites and monuments belonging to the MARQ (Lucentum, Illeta dels Banyets, Torre de Almudaina and Pla de Petracos), guided tour to any MARQ exhibition, free admission to the Fire Museum (MUBOMA), a first exclusive visit to the international exhibition and a guided visit to one of the MUBAG exhibitions. In addition, they can access the digital newsletter with all the museum's programming and will receive two invitations to be able to attend any of the proposed activities with accompanying persons.

        Users of the new Friends of the MARQ card can also take advantage of a discount of ten per cent in the BARQ and the products in the museum shop, as well as attending the dramatised visits to the archaeological sites of Lucentum and La Illeta dels Banyets.

        The second option to collaborate with this initiative is the modality MORE THAN FRIENDSThe cost of which is 60 euros The annual subsidy is available to up to four people (parents and children over the age of 15). In return, MARQ extends the advantages card and offers two dramatised visits to the museum or to the Lucentum and La Illeta dels Banyets archaeological sites, two guided visits to MUBAG exhibitions and two guided visits to any MARQ exhibition; it also includes two guided visits to any MARQ exhibition. four invitations for accompanying persons.

        Finally, for the PATRONS OF THE MARQThe Friends of MARQ, whose contribution will be more than 500 euros per year, offers a series of exclusive advantages as well as the possibility of using the logo of Friends of MARQ.

        The MARQ Friend of MARQ card can be requested at the museum itself, through the website or in the mail [email protected].


Other MARQ data

From 2002 to date: 2 million visits.

Level of satisfaction after the visit: 8/10

EXCAVATION PROGRAMME 2002-2013............66

PUBLICATIONS.............. more than 100

The MARQ library has more than 37,000 volumes catalogued(37.212.)