The MARQ is once again promoting the ninth archaeological excavation campaign in the Medieval town of Ifach.



The Diputación de Alicante, through the MARQ, is once again promoting the archaeological excavation campaign in the Medieval town of Ifach. A total of forty students of Archaeology from seventeen universities Spanish and European countries will take part in this project, which will will begin next Tuesday 1 July and will run until 31 August.

        Through this programme, with the collaboration of the Calp Town Council and the Penyal d'Ifac Natural Park, the Alicante museum aims to continue with the study of the system of access to the population.located in the western sector of the site and partially discovered in the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 campaigns.

        The work also includes the extension of the necropolis areaa space discovered in 2008 and located on the façade of the Church of Our Lady of the Angels. This building, one of the most emblematic of the site, was built between 1320 and 1340 by Doña Margarita, Countess of Terranova and daughter of Admiral Roger de Llúria. The main focus of the work will be on the location of new graves in the funerary area, where around 70 burials and 48 tombs are currently documented. In this enclave there is one that could be that of a knight and another that possibly belonged to a cleric or ecclesiastical post, as it holds a grail or liturgical cup in its hands. Also of special note are a tomb in which a pregnant woman and her foetus were found, and another collective tomb with more than 16 burials.

        At the same time, and taking advantage of the large number of tourists in Calp during the summer months, guided tours will be offered so that the public can learn first-hand about the latest news and the progress of the excavations. In addition, with the collaboration of the technical team of the Penyal d'Ifac Natural Park and the town council, the following activities will be organised didactic activities aimed at the youngest children so that they can discover the history of this medieval enclave, which has been declared a Bien de Interés Cultural by the Ministry of Culture in 2011.