MARQ extends the night visits to the Lucentum archaeological site to Fridays and Saturdays in August.


The MARQ organises during the summer months guided and dramatised night-time visits to the archaeological site el Tossal de Manises, in Lucentum. Performances have taken place every year on Saturdays in July and, thanks to its success with the public, in the month of August visits will be extended to all the Fridays and Saturdays (except on 15 August), at 21:00.

         The MARQ invites visitors to enjoy Lucentum, in these nocturnal walks, alongside four illustrious residents of this Roman municipality: Popilio, Himilce, Flavia and Titayú. From the vicissitudes that occur around it, the spectators discover what this city was like at the time of its greatest splendour, at the beginning of the 1st century, a time when Octavian Caesar Augustusthe first emperor of Rome, bestows on him the prestigious title of Latin Law Municipality.

         The next evening performances will take place on the next Saturday 26 July and all Fridays and Saturdays in August (except the 15th), i.e. the days 1, 2, 8, 9, 16, 22, 23, 29 and 30 in Augustat 21.00 hours. Tickets can be purchased in advance from the museum's website and in the site ticket offices archaeological site of Lucentum.

Lucentum, Roman city

         The site of Tossal de Manises, in Lucentum, is one of the most important in the Valencian Community and one of the few Roman cities known in depth. Declared Historic-Artistic Monument in 1961, The entire urban area (around 25,000 m2) is now fully preserved. The origins of the settlement on the hill date back to late 5th or early 4th century BC. From the end of the 1st century B.C. and all the 1st century AD. enjoy a period of splendourIn the late 1st century AD, the city began to decline, with the construction of the forum, two public thermal baths, a new gateway to the enclave, a sewage system and at least one temple. At the end of the 1st century AD, the city began to decline. definitive abandonment will take place in the 3rd century AD, for internal economic reasons and regional dynamics.