The Archaeological Museum of Alicante, MARQapplies a 50 percent discount in the price of your ticket to all users of the AVE Madrid-Alicante. To take advantage of the promotion, travellers using this AVE line will only have to present the train ticket at the museum's ticket office, together with the brochure The MARQ has published an informative brochure to promote the MARQ's exhibitions among tourists from Madrid.
The idea was born out of the line of collaboration between the the Costa Blanca Tourist Board and Renfe, and aims to contribute to the Archaeological Museum of Alicante consolidates itself as a good leisure and cultural option for short breaks, taking advantage of the fact that with this line of the AVEThe province and the Spanish capital are separated by barely two and a half hours, and more than 2 million passengers have already been registered, according to data from Renfe.
Likewise, the MARQ's visitor figures reveal that tourists from Madrid usually make up the majority of the visitors. more than half of the Spanish visitors from outside our province, followed by those from the rest of the Comunitat - Valencia and Castellón - Castilla La Mancha, Castilla León and Andalusia.
The MARQ has inaugurated several exhibitions this summer, among them Lords of Heaven and Earth. China in the Han Dynasty. 206 BC-220 AD; Deltebre I. History of a shipwreck (1813-2013) and Wine in Alicante, which complete its permanent collection that spans from Prehistory to the first third of the 20th century, combining nearly 3,800 archaeological pieces with audiovisuals and interactive programmes available in 5 languages.
The museum also offers an extensive programme of guided visits, dramatised and adapted to Spanish Sign Language, and a varied compendium of activities for children and adults, including guided visits to the archaeological sites of the Illeta dels Banyets, in El Campello, and the Tossal de Manises, in Lucentum.