The Archaeological Museum of Alicante the summer campaign of excavations at the site of the Cova de l'Or in BeniarrésThe site has been recovered with numerous shell and bone ornaments, as well as various samples of flint tools typical of the farmers who inhabited the enclave in the 6th millennium a.C.
A total of four volunteers archaeologists from the universities of Valencia, Alicante and Belfast took part in this programme, which focused mainly on the sieving of the earthworks from ancient excavations. The work, directed by archaeologists from MARQ Jorge Soler and Consuelo Roca de TogoresThe two-day workshops were held during the second fortnight of August.
The Cova de l'Or is one of the main sites of the Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula. Studies of the sequence of materials in the area have revealed its occupation by the first farmers and stockbreeders who populated the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula during the 6th millennium BC. This was the same civilisation that painted the Macro-Schematic Art motifs of the Pla de Petracos and decorated their vessels with baroque motifs made from the rim of a shell of cardium.