The Provincial Tourist Board held a meeting at the MARQ on the Vinalopó Castles Route.


         The Director General of the Provincial Tourist Board José F. Mancebo met yesterday at the MARQ with the councillors and technicians of the municipalities of Banyeres de Mariola, Biar,Castalla, Elx, Elda,Novelda,Onil,Petrer,Sax,Santa Pola and Villena that make up the Route of the Castles of Vinalopó. During the meeting, three key aspects of this initiative were discussed. The first of these refers to the change of name of this projectwhich will be renamed Costa Blanca Castles Route. The autonomous body of the Diputación de Alicante is working to seek the incorporation of more localities to this initiative that aims to enhance the historical and cultural heritage of the municipalities of the province.

        Another point raised was that of establish days to dynamise the route through a unified calendar. and with the possibility of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante joining the proposal. Finally, the need to establish a social media communication plan where information about the route through these fortresses is promoted, disseminating the history and characteristics of these fortresses, as well as the gastronomy and values of each area.

         In this sense, Mancebo pointed out that the aim is to identify this project as a product in itself to enhance the value of the assets, in this case cultural and heritage assets, of our territory..