Next year the MARQ will increase its budget for exhibitions by 22 percent with 855,000 euros.

The Board of Trustees of the Fundación de la Comunidad Valenciana MARQ has approved its budget for 2015, which foresees a budget line of 855,000 euros for exhibitionswhich is a 25.7 per cent of the total budget and a 22 percent more than last year. Among the exhibitions that will be on show over the coming year, the following stand out The last voyage of the Fragata Mercedes".

         The foundation's accounts for the coming financial year amount to  3,322,900 euroswhich is a decrease of 4.1 per cent due to the work of cost containment developed, as the President of the Alicante Provincial Council explained, Luisa Pastor.

          In the income chapterThe provincial institution's contribution is slightly lower at 2,410,000 euros, only 1.6 percent compared to 2014, while that of the Generalitat de Catalunya is maintained at 140,000 euros. Employers' contributions - . 39,000 euros- are increased due to the incorporation of the Guardamar Town Council as such. Likewise, an allocation of 151,000 euros from sponsorship. From the sale of entrance tickets to the museum and its sites, an estimated amount of 150,000 euros.

          The Board of Trustees of the Fundación Comunidad Valenciana Marq has also approved its calendar of activities for 2015 which includes, among other performances, an attractive exhibition programme that will kick off in March with the ".The last voyage of the Fragata Mercedes"The exhibition will begin its tour of Spain at the Alicante museum. This exhibition, made up of more than a hundred objects from the 18th and 19th centuries about the sinking of the ship, can be visited until September 2015. In addition to other planned exhibitions, next year will also see the L'Alfàs del Pi and Benissa the travelling exhibition "Coins. All sides of the story".

           In 2015, the excavation campaign in the sites of Tossal de Manises, Illeta dels Banyets, slopes of the Castle of Callosa de Segura, Ifach Project, Cova del Randero (Pedreguer), Cova de L'Or (Beniarrés), Cabezo Pardo (San Isidro, Albatera and Granja de Rocamora) and the second phase of the underwater archaeological map of the Bay of Albufereta in Alicante, to which the following will be added prospecting in new sites. Educational workshops, programmes of visits and guides, conferences, congresses and the publication of books are other of the many activities that MARQ has programmed for 2015.