The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has celebrated today the '.International Day of Persons with Disabilities' with a round table which is conceived as a forum for reflection to address the actions carried out by the MARQ in the promoting accessibility of its contents to all citizens and in which they participate. various provincial associations.
ONCE, Alicante Down Syndrome Association, Alicante Association of Deaf People of L'Alacantí (APESOA), Vida Libre Association, Association of Parents of Children with Cancer of the Valencian Community (ASPANION) or the Alicante Asperger Association (ASPALI), among other organizations, have participated in this meeting aimed at disseminating the actions carried out by the Alicante centre to bring its temporary and permanent exhibitions to all types of public, adapting its contents to the needs of people with disabilities..
The MARQ has various collaboration agreements through which it has created collaboration networks with different associations and groups with which actions are designed and carried out to expand educational resources to improve accessibility by means of sign-guides, signed explanatory videos, braille guides and signs, reproduction of parts, macro-character booklets, tactile plans, Fuser and thermoforn reliefs and braille panels. in the archaeological sites of Lucentum and the Illeta del Banyests, among other projects.
In addition, the MARQ incorporates from the very beginning of its architectural design measures that take into account people with mobility problems and sensory functional diversity, both visual and auditory, enabling them to the entry of people with guide dogsamong other measures.