The Deputy for Culture, Juan Bautista Rosellópresented at the MARQ the book of the proceedings of the "2nd Conference on Archaeology and Heritage of Alicante", a forum for reflection on the subject held at the museum in November 2012. The event was also attended by the technical director of MARQ, Manuel Olcinaand the Dean of the Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras y en Ciencias, Francisco Martín Irles.
More than 50 experts have collaborated in the production of this publication, which delves into the progress and evolution of the alicantine archaeology during the first decade of the 21st century. The book also refers to the status and future of the profession and the role of universities, professional associations, museums, private companies and regional and local administrations in this field.
Roselló underlined the importance of this reference guide that The book covers various aspects of the intense work carried out by archaeologists, a fundamental task for the protection of our past and, also, for its dissemination among citizens..