The Archaeological Museum of Alicante hosts from yesterday and until next year 20 September The new temporary exhibition reveals, through the pieces and documentation on display, the Spanish naval history of the early 19th century, the international relations of the time and the epic of a ship on a mission of state. 'The last voyage of the Fragata Mercedes' is the title of this travelling exhibition that arrives as its first destination at MARQ to delve deeper into this recovered cultural and underwater treasure.
More from 30,000 coinsarchaeological remains, artefacts armamentsa naval flag which exceeds 24 square metres and which took part in Trafalgar, as well as a model of the Mercedes which reproduces the procedures followed in the shipyard in Havana, where it was built, make up this set of works of great historical and heritage relevance, rarely exhibited to date. The exhibition is completed with a series of transcendental documents from the period, such as the Amiens Peace Treaty or the official letter signed by Prime Minister Manuel Godoy that gave rise to the vessel's voyage, in addition to two works by GoyaThe portrait of Charles IV and the portrait of Maria Luisa of Parma.
The Deputy for Culture, Juan Bautista Roselló, together with the Deputy Director General of State Museums of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Miguel González, the Admiral Director of the Naval Museum, José Antonio González, the Director of Programming of Acción Cultural Española, Jorge Sobredo, the Technical Director of the MARQ, Manuel Olcina, and the curators Carmen Marcos, Deputy Director of the National Archaeological Museum, and Susana García, Chief Curator of the Naval Museum, presented this exhibition in collaboration with more than ten institutions, and the curators Carmen Marcos, deputy director of the National Archaeological Museum, and Susana García, chief curator of the Naval Museum, this exhibition in which more than a dozen institutions collaborate and which tells the story of the sinking of the Fragata Mercedes and the political and military circumstances surrounding this event, which took place in October 1804.
Roselló pointed out that Alicante is the first touring venue for this exhibition which brings together original 18th and 19th century artefacts, survivors' testimonies and archaeological remains, as well as audio-visual aids, stage sets, reconstructions and scale models.. The deputy for Culture highlighted the triumph of an excellently documented and masterfully presented joint work. and also thanked the collaboration of the Cajamurcia Foundation, Asisa and Suma in sponsoring this exhibition, which is completed with numerous large-format audiovisual resources, scenographies, infographies, augmented reality effects, recreations, as well as lighting and interaction effects.
The exhibition, which occupies all the temporary rooms of the MARQ, is divided into three main sections, the first of which begins with a journey through the history of the frigate in the past. A World at War. Europe and America around 1800 invites the visitor to learn about the circumstances surrounding the event and its protagonists. The second block refers to The frigate Nuestra Señora de las MercedesThe exhibition's discourse delves into its naval construction and focuses on the development of the combat and its political and personal consequences caused by the sinking of the ship. Finally, the tour ends at Treasure as an objectThe section provides an insight into the unrecoverable history behind the plundering and the need to defend the underwater archaeological heritage.
Commissioner Carmen Marcos indicated that the aim of the exhibition is to present and make available to everyone these objects belonging to Spain's historical heritage, as well as to highlight the importance of underwater cultural heritage. There are archaeological and artistic objects, as well as literary works, which are combined with documents and testimonies that aim to tell a story. The presentation is rigorous and very well documented, while at the same time being entertaining and attractive. In total we present more than a hundred pieces from various public institutions and private collections.
'The last voyage of the frigate Mercedestells the story of the treasure recovered by Spain three years ago, after its illegal extraction from the seabed in 2007, as well as the experiences of the protagonists of the time, the situation of the Royal Navy and its British opponent, the scientific work of Spanish sailors, the advances in shipbuilding, and the mark that the event left on the archives, books and national art.