The MARQ unveils in an exhibition the restoration and musealisation work on the Cava Gran d'Agres

The library of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, MARQ, is exhibiting until next July a museum exhibition on the Cava Gran d'Agreswhere restoration and musealisation work is currently being carried out, designed and directed by the Architecture Department of the Alicante Provincial Council.

The Member of Parliament for Architecture, Manuel Moya, and the mayor of Agres, Josep Manel FrancésThis morning they visited the exhibition, which consists of six large information panels explaining, in Spanish, Valencian and English, the origin, history and different uses of the ice stored in the snow pits, as well as the evolution of the snow industry and trade in the province since the 17th century.

The exhibition also pays special attention to the unique architecture of the Cava d'Agres, a protected cultural asset listed as of Local Relevance by the Generalitat Valenciana, and to the rehabilitation and enhancement work being carried out. It also has a series of audiovisual materials such as a documentary video showing the key aspects of the project and a photograph, dated 1920, in which the original roof of the Sierra de Mariola snow cellar can be seen.

Moya explained that the enhancement of this important enclave makes it an architectural, environmental and cultural reference in our province, so this exhibition helps to reinforce the knowledge and understanding of both the remains of the snow pit and the restoration work..

The works reach all the preserved construction elements of the original shaft, replacing those that are considered essential for the stability of its structures and to favour the maintenance and accessibility to the interior of the shaft. To this end, the following is being rehabilitated the gallery through which the ice was extracted and a staircase will be installed. metal.

In this respect, the mayor of Agres pointed out that this is an emblematic project for the municipality since, as well as being a local landmark, the Cava Gran is a very important tourist resource with a great future for the development of the town..