The MARQ archaeological team discovers an intact vessel over 5,000 years old in Pedreguer.


      The archaeological team of the MARQ has discovered in the Cova del Randero of Pedreguer a pot of some 5,000 years of great dimensions and in a perfect state of conservation. The President of the Diputación de Alicante, César Sánchezhas examined in situ the find which, due to its characteristics, is considered fundamental for obtaining data on the 4th millennium B.C. on the Mediterranean façade.

      During the visit to the site, Sánchez was accompanied by the mayor of Pedreguer, Sergi FerrúsThe deputy for Culture and Education, César Augusto Asencioand the councillor of Culture of Pedreguer, Blai Josep Server. Sánchez stressed the importance of this exceptional find for the province and encouraged to continue working along these lines in order to enhance the value of our historical heritage and to learn about the civilisations that have passed through here.

   The work, directed by the MARQ's Director of Exhibitions, Jorge Soler, and the museum's archaeologists, Consuelo Roca de Togores and Olga Gómez, is now focused on extracting this vessel, which is the first of this size, with all the guarantees of conservation and research. -70 centimetres high by 50 centimetres in diameter at the mouth-. which has been discovered in its entirety inside a cave.

     The vessel found was buried in a purpose-made pit and the proximity of a post hole suggests an area of human habitation. The investigation, oriented towards the functional delimitation of the different spaces that make up the cave, it has discovered several roomsA main area or entrance hall where the livestock was protected, a central gallery which, according to the remains found, could have been used for animal husbandry and a more hidden space, or inner room, reserved for humans.

   According to the analysis of the stalagmitic mantleThe archaeological team has determined that this last room where people lived together remained inaccessible during the Bronze Age. Last summer they managed to open the access and verify the arrangement, the good state of the stratigraphy and the adequacy of the material record with the Neolithic temporality.

        The president of the provincial government stressed that during this year's campaign, which is now in its ninth year and will end tomorrow, 11 September, the technicians have discovered this vase which places the Cova del Randero as one of the main sites for the knowledge of daily life in the 4th millennium BC.

    In the research projectIn addition to the MARQ, the Pedreguer Town Council which provides accommodation and support for the team of volunteers trained in different Spanish and European universities. Sanchez has clarified that these findings The European Commission is promoting the continuation of work at this site, which has become a reference point for the knowledge of the Neolithic period on the western shores of the Mediterranean..