The MARQ hosted a meeting professionals from various museums, university professors and lecturers to discuss the archaeological contexts which point to the destruction or abandonment of several coastal cities in the south-eastern peninsular during the Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome.
The aim of this meeting is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the material and stratigraphic record The historical period is characterised in such a way that it can be distinguished from other historically close events, such as the first years of Roman domination, of which other destructions in other nearby regions are known.
The Member of Parliament for Culture and Education, César Augusto AsencioHe stressed that "the aim is to highlight the fact that the war between the two powers of the time, Rome and Carthage, had a much greater impact than has been thought until recently".. In this sense, Asencio also specified that ".the consequences determined the subsequent evolution of our lands and the way in which they were incorporated into the nascent Roman Empire"..
In recent years, research by the Tossal de Manises These traces of the war conflict have been revealed and it was felt necessary to hold the meeting to examine other similar cases such as Baria (Villaricos, Almería), Cartagena, La Escuera (San Fulgencio, Alicante) and the Tossal de Manises itself. From each of them, the latest research advances will be presented by specialists in the field.
Finally, the deputy for Culture and Education stressed that ".this meeting can lay the foundations for a future congress with a broader scope, open to other regions with the same problems and providing a general overview of this decisive moment in Ancient History, with a wider and more public participation of specialists and people interested in the subject.".