- The Provincial Government is committed to promoting cultural centres as meeting and cohesion spaces.
- Archaeologists, historians, architects and students will participate in this meeting.
The Deputy for Culture, César Augusto AsencioThis morning, he attended the inauguration of the conference on the architecture of Rome, which will be held until tomorrow Thursday at the Archaeological Museum of Alicante. This scientific meeting aims to share the most relevant results obtained by the various teams involved in the R&D&I project "Rome, the provincial capitals and the capitals of Hispania: dissemination of models in architecture and urban planning".
The presentation, in which Asencio highlighted the high level of research and analysis, was also attended by the director of MARQ, Manuel Olcina, y Joaquín Ruiz de Arbuloat the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona.
The project, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitivenesswill be analysed by researchers from MARQ, from the universities The group of experts will present the results of their research at the Archaeological Research Centres of Cordoba, Tarragona, Murcia, Alicante, Valencia, Girona, L'Orientale of Naples, the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Nice, as well as the Institute of Archaeology of Merida (CSIC), the Molinete Archaeological Park of Cartagena and the Municipal Service of Archaeology of Valencia (SIAM). This group of experts will present the results of their work. research in the 2013-2015 trienniumThe main focus was on the transmission of models and their processes from Rome to the provincial capitals and from the provincial capitals to the other provincial cities.
Moreover, the meeting, which was part of the activities associated with the research project coordinated by the Secretary of State for Research of the Ministry of Economy and partially co-financed with ERDF funds, will include more than a dozen conferences in the museum itself and a working session at Lucentum directed by Olcina, Antonio Guilabert, Eva Tendero -from MARQ- and Rafael PérezHead of the Department of Architecture of the Diputación de Alicante.