The MARQ confirms the discovery of a Roman relief of great archaeological value behind the coat of arms of the Corella family in Cocentaina.


        The new exhibition "Cocentaina, Archaeology and Museum"which houses the MARQ until 14 February, has made it possible to highlight the discovery of a valuable piece hidden for years behind the coat of arms of the Corella family and which has come to light thanks to the restoration work on the work.

     The Deputy for Culture, César Augusto AsencioThe exhibition, which consists of a total of 270 pieces, in an event that was also attended by the mayoress of Cocentaina, Mireia Estepathe technical director of MARQ, Manuel Olcinathe manager of the Caja Murcia Foundation, Pascual Martínezand the curators of the exhibition, Elisa Domenech and Pere Ferrer

    During the presentation, Asencio highlighted the importance of the Roman relief found as a result of the restoration of the coat of arms of the Corella family. "This new discovery adds value to an exhibition that offers us, through an exceptional montage, a complete vision of the historical heritage of Cocentaina.". In addition, the deputy pointed out, It is accompanied by an interesting catalogue with all the information, aimed at fulfilling one of the main objectives of the Provincial Government, to recover, conserve and disseminate our cultural legacy".".

       The technicians of the restoration workshop of the Alicante museum have certified the high quality of the size of carrara marble sculpted on the back of the piece and its analysis has revealed that it is part of a Roman entablatureThe frieze, possibly from a temple, is decorated with a succession of bucrania (bull skulls) linked by vegetal garlands, a common arrangement in Roman friezes.

       All details point to the fact that the first Count of Cocentaina brought it from ItalyAfter the capture of Naples in 1443, to decorate his palace, but in the end he sculpted his coat of arms on the opposite side. The piece was found in the town's Palau Comtal as a result of restoration work on the building in 1983 and since then it has remained in the town's Municipal Museum.

    Other key pieces in the exhibition are the Altarpiece of Santa BarbaraThe 15th century work has been loaned by the City Council for the occasion, as well as the Sacred Biblethe Privilege of Concession of Fira to Cocentaina of 1346 and the original score of the march Paquito el chocolatero.

       "Cocentaina, Archaeology and Museum" is the twelfth exhibition included in the Municipal Museums programme at MARQ, which began in 2004 and which deals with the history and archaeology of a municipality with a great archaeological heritage divided between the Municipal Museum -in the premises of the Palau Comtal- and the Museum of the Centre d'Estudis Contestans (CEC).

    The exhibition, which occupies the 'Enrique Llobregat' and 'Figueras Pacheco' temporary exhibition halls, is divided into different thematic areas in which the historical evolution of Cocentaina is analysed. from Antiquity to Contemporary Times.