- One of the main objectives is to provide an overview of this discipline based on the analysis of ancient human remains.
The MARQ is hosting a conference on physical anthropology and palaeopathology addressed to teachers under the title "Bones also speak".The meeting, which will be attended by professionals from both disciplines, will begin this afternoon and will continue until next Thursday 12 November.
The aim of this conference is to make the rudimentary elements provided by this science available to teachers of Infant, Primary and Secondary Education in order to recognise their working methods and the synthesis of their results. In this regard, one of the main objectives is to provide a general overview of these disciplines which, through the analysis of ancient human remainsThe data provided by these studies provide interesting insights into past societies, from the point of view of their physical features, diseases suffered, ritual practices o life expectancyamong others.
Another of the objectives is also to find out about the archaeozoology as a discipline of archaeology that studies the skeletal remains of animals found in excavations. Through this field, by means of the identification of the species of fauna and their biometric dataresearch can be carried out on the economic use of livestockthe hunting behaviour of a particular human group or the way in which they exploit their ecological environment and the very nature of it.