The President of the Diputación de Alicante, César SánchezThis morning, he held a working meeting at MARQ with all the members of his government team in order to coordinating the implementation of the various projects included in the budget prepared by the Provincial Government for 2016. The deputies have explained, in detail, the different initiatives that they want to develop from their respective areas and the objectives that have been set for this year.
Sánchez stressed the importance of promoting this type of meeting so that, between all of us, we can contribute ideas that will allow us to optimise the resources available to the provincial institution and establish a plan for their execution.
"This year, the Provincial Government will implement a budget that has been drawn up with the aim of attending to and covering the needs of Alicante's towns and villages and helping to improve people's wellbeing."The president emphasised.
The budget of the Diputación de Alicante, which was initially approved in a plenary session on 30 December, will again be submitted to the plenary for approval. final approval on Wednesday 3 FebruaryIt will come into force once it is published in the Official Gazette of the Province.
The budget of the Diputación de Alicante for this year amounts to 189.7 million on the expenditure side and has set as a priority the attention to citizens in order to improve their well-being
and the support for the 141 municipalities of the province. In addition, during 2016 new calls for grants will be launched and ambitious projects will be implemented with which the Provincial Government wants to contribute to the economic development of our territory.
In this respect, the president stressed that it is a matter of a rigorous and balanced budgets where the areas of Family and Citizenship and People's Welfare account for 20% of spending. In total 33.6 million which will go to improving the quality of life of citizens through programmes such as the Telecare -2,155,930 euros and 7,400 terminals - or the calls for social action aimed at town councils and associations with 5.4 million euros.
The municipalismas the president explained, is the other major focus of this budget. More than 45 million40 million in aid and investments for local authorities in 2015. Only the 28.8 million will be injected into works and services plans of euros in local councils and associations of municipalities in Alicante.
The 2016 accounts, with zero financial charges, will finally be based on a third major pillar; that of contribute to the economic development of the province. In this area, the Provincial Government will implement different projects that, with more than 3 million euros, will promote the reindustrialisation of the territory and the improvement of the production process. In this regard, Sánchez has again stressed that this year will see the light of day projects such as the Health and Mediterranean Diet Agencythe Promoting Innovative Procurement and Corporate Social Responsibility or the Provincial Co-Working. In addition, a drafting team will be set up in 2016 to define the investment required for the development of the Free Trade Zone of the Port of Alicante.