The exhibition "Cocentaina:Archaeology and Museums" can be visited until 3rd April.

  The exhibition "Cocentaina Archaeology and Museums" will be extended until next Sunday 3rd April, together with the exhibition "The Stone Guardians" about the Castles and Bastions of the province.

  The exhibition of the archaeological, historical and cultural heritage of Cocentaina, which opened on 29 October 2015, is made up of 270 pieces, a significant number of which come from the collections of the Museu Arqueològic i Etnòlogic del Comtat, a representative sample of the importance of the population of Cocentaina and its region from prehistoric times to the present day.

  A singular discovery is a Roman relief - found precisely when the piece was transferred to the MARQ for restoration from the Municipal Museum of the Palau Comtal - located on the back of the Corella family coat of arms, which was brought from Italy to their residence in the Condal villa by the same family.

  The exhibition features several unique pieces such as the altarpiece of Santa Bárbara, or the privilege granted in 1346 for the celebration of the Fira de Cocentaina, as well as the original score of "Paquito el Chocolatero" by the maestro Gustavo Pascual.

  Schoolchildren from Cocentaina have travelled to the Museum of Alicante to see the exhibition, in addition to more than 200 guided tours for other groups. During the month of January, the MARQ received 5,800 visitors, most of whom visited the two rooms into which the exhibition is divided.

 On the same date, 3 April, the exhibition "Los Guardianes de Piedra" (The Stone Guardians) will be extended. This exhibition is itinerant in nature and has an innovative design that makes it easy to move and participatory for the towns that host it.