The MARQ Exhibitions Winners of the National Awards "Emporia de Arquitectura Efímera".

Estudio Rocamora Arquitectura has won the "EMPORIA DE ORO" for best touring production in Spain in 2015 for the exhibition Guardians of Stone. The castles of Alicante. In addition, it has won the "EMPORIA DE PLATA" for the production of Light of Rome in the same category and for Cocentaina, Archaeology and Museum in the category of non-travelling exhibitions. Last year Rocamora Arquitectura already won the Silver Emporia for the best travelling and non-travelling production for Deltebre and by Wine in Alicante.

The Emporia are the National Awards for Ephemeral Architecture awarded annually by the Col-legi Professional d'Interioristes de Catalunya and Veredictas Internacional, with the support of the Col.legi de Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) and the AJAC, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the ETSAB of Barcelona and the main associations of the trade fair sector. The jury of the EMPORIA awards is made up exclusively of representatives of universities, professional associations, technical press and sector specialists.