The MARQ in Copenhagen is finalising the details of the exhibition Vikings.


The Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ) in Copenhagen is finalising the last details of an international exhibition on the Vikings, which will be the first participation of the prestigious National Museum of Denmark in an exhibition project in Spain.

"Vikings. Warriors of the North. Giants of the Sea" will be the title of the exhibition that will be open at the MARQ (dependent on the Provincial Council) from May to January 2017 and that, in parallel, will be accompanied by a series of conferences.

The managing director of the centre, José Alberto Cortés, and the technical director, Manuel Olcina, visited the Danish capital to finalise the definitive list of objects that will make up the exhibition.

Among the details discussed during the meeting was that the Danish Royal House has been invited to co-chair the exhibition's honorary committee with the Spanish Royal House.

This is the first time that the prestigious Copenhagen museum, which like the MARQ received the award for Best Museum in Europe, has participated in an exhibition project in Spain, specifically dedicated to one of the most exciting cultures and civilisations of the Nordic peoples in history.