The Ministry of Culture includes the Illeta dels Banyets and its surroundings among the 100 heritage landscapes of Spain.



    The Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport has selected the Illeta dels Banyets as one of the environments that make up the book "100 Cultural Landscapes in Spain".recently published by the Cultural Heritage Institute The project is part of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and is part of the actions carried out by the National Cultural Landscape Plan.

      The MARQ has promoted the defence of this site as a Cultural Landscape since 2012 and, as the deputy for Culture pointed out, César Augusto Asencio, "Inclusion in this important catalogue means national recognition of its heritage values, preserved in a coastal landscape that is seriously threatened by urban development pressure. It is also a gateway to funding, both from the Ministry and the European Commission, in order to pay for existing projects in the area.".

      The site includes the archaeological site declared Bien de Interés Culturalsince 1978, and the surrounding lands with samples of an important cultural legacy, represented by the remains of an Argaric settlement belonging to the Bronze Agethe necropolis and the potteries of the Iberian periodthe roman fish hatcheries as well as a renaissance tower-vaultalso declared a BIC. The complex also includes the ethnological legacy The old fishermen's caves and its rich intangible heritage with legends about the Moorish queen and the place's roots in the local Moors and Christians festivals.

  The new publication aims to provide a first approximation to the documentary register of landscapes of cultural interestThe information is to be provided in an orderly and precise manner, in accordance with a previously established methodology, which allows for its identification and documentation.  

European Convention

   At Florencein the year 2000, the Council of Europe adopted the European Landscape Convention (ELC), the first specific international treaty on the subject, which entered into force in 2004 and was ratified by Spain in 2007.

   In this context, the then Spanish Historical Heritage Institute of the Ministry of Culture promoted a specific programme for cultural landscapes, which later materialised in the National Cultural Landscape Plan. The general objective of the Plan is the safeguarding of landscapes of cultural interestThe Commission is promoting measures aimed at ensuring their viability, including the social awareness and politics or the cooperation at different scalesinternational, national and regional

   For the production of this book, the following was elaborated unified model fiche and the Autonomous Communities were responsible for proposing their candidates for the Cultural Landscape category. Once all the landscapes had been received and studied, a committee of experts, members of the Monitoring Commission of the National Cultural Landscape Plan, made a selection of one hundred landscapes, which are the subject of this publication.