National Geographic magazine includes the Marq among the ten essential museums to visit in Spain.


     Among the more than one thousand museums in Spain, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante ranks number seven in the list of the thirty essentialThe report, produced by the publication "National Geographic. This is what the prestigious magazine highlights, placing it among the top ten, along with the Guggenheim, the Reina Sofía, the MACBA, the Centre Pompidou in Malaga and the Prado.

         In a brief overviewIn addition to the value of the pieces on display at the Alicante museum, the publication points out that the use of the new technologies applied to modern exhibition techniques that are committed to the interaction and the audiovisual format.

         In addition, National Geographic highlights the mention as a European Museum of the Yearwhich the Alicante centre received at 2004and mentions the archaeological sites that complete the MARQ's museum offer: the Pla de Petracosthe Tossal de Manises and the Illeta dels Banyets.

         The museum, which this year celebrates its fourteenth anniversarysince 2002, has developed a wide and varied programme of activities and exhibitions. With more than 81,000 pieces and a surface area of 9,000 square metres the centre also houses, on a permanent basis, one of the most important archaeological collections in Spain, which offers a tour from Prehistory to the Modern-Contemporary Age.

It is also a point of reference not only in terms of exhibition spaces and funds, but also in terms of the from a didactic and integration point of view. In this respect, the centre has been collaborating for years with various associations and organisations in the province in the implementation of initiatives for people with disabilities.