MARQ will donate tickets for the Vikings exhibition to the Blood Donors tomorrow


On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, which is celebrated every year on 1 June, the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the 2016 World Blood Donor Day Campaign. "Share life, donate blood". In our Comunitat, and specifically the 'Centro de Transfusiones de la Comunidad Valenciana' in Alicante, has adapted and extended the campaign to the whole month of June with the slogan "...".blood connects us all".

The MARQ and the Provincial Council of Alicante are collaborating with this initiative tomorrow by providing the Transfusion Centre with 180 free tickets to the Museum which will be given to people who donate blood at the donations planned in Alicante for Tuesday 14th June at the "Hospitales Solidarios, the Hospital General Universitario de Alicante" and at the "Maratón Primavera" at the "Puerta de Alicante" Shopping Centre.

Through this campaign, everyone who donates blood next Tuesday 14 June will receive two tickets - valid until 30 September 2016 - to visit the exhibition "Vikings. Warriors of the North. Giants of the Sea" which is on display in the three temporary halls of the MARQ with spectacular pieces of the culture of these Nordic peoples.