Fifteen students from IES San Jose de Ontinyent spend a night at the MARQ after winning the Educational Projects competition.




      This morning, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante hosted the prize-giving ceremony of the competition ".Educational ProjectsThis year's "The Year of the more than fifty schools and nearly 1,500 pupils in the province.  The Alicante centres C.P. San Gabrielby "Els Pirates i la Xocolatà (Pirates and Chocolate)"of five year old schoolchildren in pre-primary school, and C.P Voramarwith "The magic shop window"5th Grade Primary School, next to the IES San José de Ontinyent, by "The origin of a mysteryThe winners of the "4th ESO Latin class" are the winners of this competition, which aims to to awaken children's interest in history and archaeology.

         The awarded pupils will enjoy 'a night at the Marq'. full of activities related to the temporary exhibition dedicated to the VikingsThe first ones to make their debut are the secondary school pupils from Ontinyent. The first to make their debut are the secondary school pupils from Ontinyent. In total, 15 young people from the winning school will take part tonight in this interesting experience in which the sleeping bags will take over the museum.

         For their part, the children from the Voramar school will sleep in the MARQ next September, while the children from the San Gabriel centre will enjoy an overnight stay in the MARQ. journey to the Pla de Petracos in Castell de Castellsas well as guided visits to the exhibition "Vikings; warriors of the north, giants of the sea". Understanding the importance of the extraordinary cultural legacy of our ancestors, promoting teamwork and encouraging reading and creativity are the objectives of these projects.

    In addition to these three award-winning centres, the following were also awarded special mentions for the effort and motivation shown by the students and teachers of: C.P. Monte Benacantil of Alicante (Infant cycle) for respect for diversity; I.E.S Haygón of Alicante (4th ESO) for innovation; and classroom of Special Education at CEU Alicante for the challenge of disability research.

     MARQ is encouraging teachers and students from schools in the province to take part next year in a new edition of this initiative, which began in 2007.