After Murcia and Huesca, the international conference "Education and accessibility in museums and heritage" this year in the province of Alicante, where numerous speakers, experts and professionals from the national and international sphere will discuss the importance of tackling one of the most important major challenges of today's museographyto create spaces that are more useful, competitive and suitable for everyone.
The cultural centres MARQ and Vilamuseu will be in charge of organising this interesting initiative that will be carried out from 13 to 15 October in the localities of Alicante and La Vila Joiosa and will focus its sessions on the accessibility and inclusion in cultural heritage tourism and natural, with special focus on outdoor spaces.
The Member of Parliament for Culture and Education, César Augusto Asencioand the mayor of the municipality, Andrés VerdúThis morning, they presented all the details of this conference, which will specifically address the ambitious accessibility project developed by both museums. The event was also attended by the technical director of MARQ, Manuel Olcinaand its counterpart in Vilamuseu, Antonio EspinosaThe participants agreed on the importance of this event and the significance that the conclusions drawn from the planned presentations could have.
Asencio also pointed out that this congress will create a precedent and will be a reference in accessibility issues, given that never before has it been dealt with in such a complete and comprehensive manner access to cultural and natural heritage in urban and non-urban environmentsHe also pointed out that ".the scope analysed in this proposal is important and qualitatively broadens horizons on the issue of accessibility.".
The opportunities for social inclusion, the current state of design for all people on the international scene, global trends in tourism in terms of accessibility and smart destinations are some of the other topics to be addressed in this event. free conferencewhose deadline for registration is 30 September next.
For his part, the mayor of La Vila Joiosa has commented that ".this congress will be the first major event following the inauguration of our museum, a space which, although it already hosts educational activities, will not be open to the public until October.". He also added that Vilamuseu is an important commitment of the council to the recovery of the historical heritage of the town and accessible cultural tourism, as well as the main economic engine of the municipality.
The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has been working for many years on the development and implementation of different programmes related to the integration of people with disabilities and the removal of physical and mental barriers. Through these proposals, promoted in collaboration with the associations of the province, the MARQ aims to promoting equal opportunities and facilitating access to culture of all members of society.
The centre in Alicante is a pioneer in the organisation of guided and dramatised tours for people with disabilitiesthe reproduction of partsthe development of braille guidesthe development of interpreted lectures in sign language or the performance of workshops for children with special needsamong other initiatives.
In this regard, the deputy thanked the Cajamar's involvement and sponsorship in this initiative, as well as in others that have made it possible to facilitate access for everyone to the cultural contents of the MARQ, through an agreement signed with the organisation.
All the information on the congress can be found on the website that has been created for this purpose: