MARQ takes advantage of World Tourism Day to raise awareness of the importance of accessibility




     The Archaeological Museum of Alicante take advantage of today's celebration of the 'World Tourism DayThis year it is dedicated to promoting universal accessibility, to remind citizens of the importance of eliminating barriers, both in outdoor spaces and in urban environments and buildings. In this sense, the MARQ has organised a full programme of social awareness activities that will take place throughout the week and which includes among its proposals guided tours for groups of people with disabilities.

         The Member of Parliament for Culture and Education, César Augusto Asencioexplained that "For years, the Alicante museum has been working on the development and implementation of different programmes related to the integration of people with disabilities and the removal of physical and mental barriers. Through this type of proposals, promoted in collaboration with associations in the province, the MARQ seeks to promote equal opportunities and facilitate access to culture for all members of society.".

         ONCE, the Accessible Alicante Association, Tourism students from IES Miguel Hernández and members of the city's College of Architects are some of the groups that will be visiting the MARQ during these days to see the international exhibition. "Vikings. Warriors of the North. Giants of the MARQ"an exemplary sample whose contents have been adapted through the creation of sensory spaces of scent and perfume, easy-to-read panels,explanatory texts in Braille,signed audiovisuals or reproductions of three-dimensional pieces. This proposal is completed with a tour in sign language organised together with the Tourist Info Municipal.

         The programme of activities planned to commemorate World Tourism Day also includes a guided tour of theRoman city of Lucentum, one of the few accessible sites of the Comunitat Valencianaby the College of Architects of Alicante.

     "The MARQ appears in Predif's guide 'Monuments, museums and accessible tourist attractions', where special emphasis is placed on the need to provide citizens with the opportunity to enjoy tourism and leisure without barriers."The deputy pointed out, adding that ".the Alicante complex is a pioneer in the organisation of guided and dramatised visits for people with disabilities, the reproduction of pieces, the creation of guides in Braille, the development of conferences interpreted in sign language and the organisation of workshops for children with special needs, among other initiatives.".