Villajoyosa hosts the second day of the Third International Congress "Education and accessibility in museums and heritage".

14 October 2016. The municipality of Villajoyosa today hosted the second day of the III International Congress "Education and accessibility in museums and heritage" organised by the Marq Archaeological Museum in collaboration with Vilamuseu. The first day took place yesterday in the auditorium of the archaeological museum, where it will close tomorrow.

Throughout the morning, more than 200 people gathered in the Assembly Hall of the Llar del Pensionista Social Centre to listen to the various presentations scheduled for today. The first of these was given by Antonio Espinosa, director of Vilamuseu and Carmina Bonmatí, museologist and head of dissemination of the museum, and under the title "The programme of accessibility and inclusion of Vilamuseu, the Network of Museums and Monuments of Villajoyosa", they explained to the audience all the activities that are developed in the municipality to promote the integration of different groups. They also detailed all the accessibility elements that Vilamuseu will have.


After the presentation of both reference publications on the subject of accessibility and institutions and programmes that are being developed in Europe by different speakers, all the attendees travelled in groups to Vilamuseu to see in situ one of the most accessible museums in Europe.


The end of the Congress will take place tomorrow in Alicante after a long day that will start at 9:00 am until 20:30 pm, which will focus on Heritage and Inclusive Tourism in the Valencian Community.