Accredited experts, researchers and specialists in the viking culture are taking place these days at the MARQ to analyse the history of this interesting civilisation and discuss its presence on the Iberian Peninsula, including its incursion into Orihuela. The deputy for Culture and Education, César Augusto AsencioThis morning, he inaugurated this seminar, which is a magnificent opportunity to learn in depth about the origin and expansion of this Nordic people, as well as their impact on the European Middle Ages and their relevance in the contemporary collective imaginary.
More than 200 professionals, students and the general public will be taking part until tomorrow, Friday 4 November, in this conference, which has also been set up as a complement to the international exhibition currently on display at the Alicante museum. "Vikings. Warriors of the North. Giants of the Sea".
The contents of the seminar are structured around two aspects. On the one hand, from the vision and expertise of the director and curators of the National Museum of DenmarkThe pieces on display at the MARQ come from there, and on the other hand, from the perspective of renowned Spanish scholarsThey will address issues such as the incursions of the Northmen into the SE Peninsula and the impact of the lordomanni in Galicia.